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Checkout Event Tracking

Tracking Checkout Events with GTM Assistant

Checkout event tracking is essential for understanding user behavior during the purchasing process. With GTM Assistant, you can capture key checkout interactions, helping you analyze user intent and optimize the conversion funnel.

Below are the key checkout events and their benefits:

Checkout Events and Their Benefits

1. checkout_started (begin_checkout)

Description: Tracks when a user starts the checkout process.
Benefit: Key for understanding the initiation of purchase intent.

2. checkout_address_info_submitted

Description: Captures when address information is submitted during checkout.
Benefit: Helps you understand the completion of crucial checkout steps.

3. checkout_contact_info_submitted

Description: Records when contact information is provided during checkout.
Benefit: Useful for tracking user engagement and form completion.

4. checkout_shipping_info_submitted

Description: Monitors when shipping information is submitted.
Benefit: Provides insights into shipping preferences and user progression through checkout.

5. payment_info_submitted

Description: Tracks when payment details are entered.
Benefit: Critical for understanding the final stages of the checkout process.

6. checkout_completed (purchase)

Description: Captures when a purchase is completed.
Benefit: Essential for tracking successful transactions and calculating conversion rates.

Custom Pixel Script Integration

To track specific checkout events such as:

  • checkout_address_info_submitted
  • checkout_contact_info_submitted
  • checkout_shipping_info_submitted
  • payment_info_submitted

You can use the following custom pixel script in your GTM configuration:

Steps to Implement

Step 1: Create a Custom Pixel

  • Go to your Shopify Admin Panel.
  • Navigate to Settings > Customer Events.
  • Click Add Custom Pixel and enter a name for your pixel.

Step 2: Add the Script to the Pixel Configuration

After creating the custom pixel, insert the following script:

window.initContext = init;
const script = document.createElement("script");
const dm = "";
script.src = dm+"/gtm-script?container=[YOUR GTM TAG ID]";
script.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
script.onload = () => { console.log("Success") };
script.onerror = r => { console.error("Error:", r) };

Step 3: Activate the Custom Pixel

  • Ensure the pixel is enabled and running in Shopify’s Customer Events section.
  • Test the events using Google Tag Assistant or Shopify’s Pixel Debugger to verify data collection.

What’s Next?

By integrating checkout event tracking, you can better understand user behavior, optimize checkout flows, and improve conversion rates.

Need Help?

If you need assistance setting up checkout tracking, contact our support team at We’re here to help you get the most out of your GTM Assistant setup.